What is Dysgraphia?
Dysgraphia is a condition that causes trouble with written expression. Dysgraphia is a brain-based issue and not the result of a child being lazy. For many children with dysgraphia, just holding a pencil and organizing letters on a line is difficult. Their handwriting tends to be messy. Many dysgraphic students struggle with spelling and putting thoughts on paper. These and other writing tasks—like putting ideas into language that is organized, stored and then retrieved from memory—may all add to struggles with written expression.
Dysgraphia Testing
Contact the Stark Griffin Dyslexia Academy to find a registered SGDA professional in your area and have your child tested for dysgraphia. These registered SGDA professionals have completed an internship with SGDA and are qualified to diagnose dysgraphia so you can be assured of the correct diagnosis. SGDA has the only dysgraphia test endorsed by the HPCSA and our main focus is the direct diagnosis of learning disorders like dysgraphia.
Dysgraphia Courses
SGDA offers an online training courses for HPCSA registered professional to diagnose dysgraphia. Incorporating the neuroscience of dysgraphia, this course enables a registered professional to accurately assess a child and offer therapy that could significantly impact the life of a child with dysgraphia.
Dysgraphia Therapy
SGDA offers a Dysgraphia Therapy Course for HPCSA professionals. Offering specific therapy to help dysgraphia individuals.
Dysgraphia Testing
Contact the Stark Griffin Dyslexia Academy to find a registered SGDA professional in your area and have your child tested for dysgraphia. These registered SGDA professionals have completed an internship with SGDA and are qualified to diagnose dysgraphia so you can be assured of the correct diagnosis. SGDA has the only dysgraphia test endorsed by the HPCSA and our main focus is the direct diagnosis of learning disorders like dysgraphia.
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Dysgraphia Courses
SGDA offers an online training courses for HPCSA registered professional to diagnose dysgraphia. Incorporating the neuroscience of dysgraphia, this course enables a registered professional to accurately assess a child and offer therapy that could significantly impact the life of a child with dysgraphia.
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Dysgraphia Therapy
SGDA offers a Dysgraphia Therapy Course for HPCSA professionals. Offering specific therapy to help dysgraphia individuals.
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A note to our students...
We at SGDA can see how difficult it is for you to fit into an educational system where everything you do and the marks you achieve are dependent on your ability to read and write. We hear your stories and know that you are the truly brave ones, fighting for your spot and an equal opportunity to prove what you are truly capable of.
Never ever give up.
Follow your dreams and do not allow people to judge you and decide what you can or cannot do.
Yes, it is hard work. Yes, you will get frustrated. Yes, sometimes all these obstacles might make you feel like it is not worth it. Never ever give up! Keep at it. Use all the available resources you are able to find and do not hesitate to ask for help.
We admire you because you are brave and amazing and we cannot wait to see what you can achieve in the future.
A note to our parents...
SGDA aims to inspire children who are diagnosed with Dyslexia, Dyscalculia or Dysgraphia to be the best they can be and make their dreams come true, despite the challenges they face as a result of their learning disabilities.
Learning disabled children face many challenges that could drag them down into the pits of despair, but instead they can choose not to let a specific learning disability such as dyslexia determine their fate in life.
A professional diagnosis might allow for the opportunity to have an open discussion on the real challenges your dyslexic child is facing. He/she might for the first time ever open up to you and share their hurts and embarrassing moments. Listen, really listen, to the child sitting in front of you, for you might learn quite a bit from this young person that faces many challenges different or similar to the ones you had growing up.
Your child might empower you and your community to have a positive impact on the life of future and other dyslexic children, making a difference for them in ways that truly matters. A child that experiences success, however small, will be inclined to keep on trying and work even harder than they already do. As an adult you can make a big difference. Your input, support and motivation does matter.
Take each other’s hands on this path, there is a bright future out there for our children, even the ones that struggle with reading and writing.
Get in touch with us today!
Books For Sale!
This is Me!
An inspirational read for the Dyslexic. From cover to cover inspirational success stories of 23 amazing South African Dyslexics who struggle with reading and writing. Read about their journey of discovery, learning and understanding. Finally, recognizing that the sky is the limit for dyslexics.
Help, my child has been diagnosed with Dysgraphia!
When a child has been diagnosed with Dysgraphia, the road ahead might seem concerning and confusing for parents. They have so many questions that need answering. By learning what to watch for, parents can be proactive about getting help for their child. This book explains strategies and therapies that can help a child improve his writing.
Help, my child has been diagnosed with Dyscalculia!
When a child has been diagnosed with Dyscalculia, the road ahead might seem concerning and confusing for parents. They have so many questions that need answering. This book explains everything about dyscalculia, offers ideas and tips what parents can do to help their children. This book answers important questions like “does my child still have a future?”